The only uniform item that cannot be purchased from the school are sandals and shoes.  All other clothing items can be purchased through the school office.

Stationery Packs will be available from the office for $20.00.

Core Curriculum
The following curriculum areas will be compulsory for all students to complete over their two years at Bader Intermediate School:

  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Social Science
  • Science
  • Physical Education and Health

The following will be on offer allowing students opportunities to engage and experience a variety of Specialists programs:

  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Media Design
  • Design Technology
  • Culinary
  • Electives


BIS Polo Shirt                                              $40.00
BIS Shorts                                          $40.00
BIS Pants                                                $45.00
BIS Hoodie                                    $55.00
BIS PE Shirt                                                          $20.00
BIS House Shirt                                                          $40.00
BIS Jacket                                                          $65.00

Terms 1 and 4:
Black Roman sandals

Terms 2 and 3:
Plain black school shoes